
One of the best exercises known from a very long time is Russian twist exercise. This is one of the best Ab exercise. So let’s dig a little more about this exercise along with the major impacts it makes on your body.

What is a Russian twist exercise?

This is a type of exercise which is performed in a half lying position. This exercise gently targets your core, midsection and obliques.

Brief History

The exact origin of this exercise is unknown. However, it is said to have been created during the cold war in the then Soviet Union for the Russian soldiers.

How is Russian twist performed?

How to do Russian Twists Exercise
This exercise is very simple to perform and can be modified according to the person performing it.

  •     To perform this exercise, you have to first sit in a crook sitting position without any kind of back support.
  •     Now in the next step, either you can raise your legs above the ground a bit or you can keep them in connection with the floor.
  •     Now you have to clasp both the hands together and twist the torso on either side one by one.
  •     While twisting, you should maintain a rhythmic breathing pattern, like exhale while twisting and inhale while getting back to position zero.
  •     Repeat this exercise in sets as instructed.

Things need to consider while performing this exercise

While performing any exercise, some precautions need to be taken. Similarly, if you are performing Russian twists, you need to take care about the following points:

  •     Maintain a straight neck and spine. You should not bend your spine making a hollow structure, this may lead to back pain.
  •     While performing the twists, you should always rotate your head along with your hand movement and shouldn’t keep a straight neck.
  •     Breathing rhythmically is very important​ to maintain your lung capacity.

Russian twist exercise target muscles

Russian Twist Target Areas and Oblique Muscles
Russian twists are a great way to target major abdomen and back muscles. This target the following muscles and make them leaner and fitter. The function of these muscles are mentioned with the muscles’ names:

  •     Oblique muscles: The fat in these muscles are responsible for the stubborn love handles.
  •     Rectus abdominis: These muscles are very important for normal micturition and defecation.
  •     Erector spinae and Latissimus dorsi: These muscles play a very important role in maintaining an erect and a healthy spine. Major back movements are because of these muscles.

Benefits of Russian Twists

  •     Help in core muscles strengthening.
  •     Help in reducing the lower abdomen fat.
  •     Let you get rid of the love handles.
  •     Cure medical problems like indigestion, urinary incontinence, obesity and many more.
  •     Help you in getting the shape.
  •     Weight management.
  •     Improve blood circulation.
  •     Boosting up immunity by improving the gut health.
  •     Let you get rid of backache.

Modified Russian Twists

How to do Russian Twists Exercise with Balls or Dumbbells or Barbell weights
These are just an upgraded version of conventional Russian Twists. These are done by carrying some equipment in the hands. The equipment can be any weight, be it free weights, kettlebell​, heavy book or any other convenient weight available.

These are basically used to develop more resistance, in order to increase more muscle endurance. One can start​ with any amount of weight convenient to him and then gradually increase the weight periodically.


This exercise is simply a great way to get rid of the lower belly and the side fat. It will definitely target the stubborn fat around your belly if done in the right way. You will definitely start to notice the changes after a month or so depending upon your weight and fat deposition.

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