
Glute Bridge has been one of the most suggested and practiced workout regimes for stability and flexibility of abdomen, thighs, hips, and back. We have discussed the benefits of this workout in detail and hope that you practice this at home.


COVID-19 today has made every human realise that being fit and healthy is no more want but a necessity. While going out and a visiting fitness institute is not an option right now, people are working towards making their body strong both internally and externally within the vicinity of your home. Now there are multiple workouts that one can do within the premises of their home and get the fit and healthy body they need.

Glute bridge is one such exercise that can help anyone, beginner or pro in achieving the required results. It requires no professional expertise or equipment to do it and is quite easy to do. If regularly done, this exercise helps in not just getting body shape but also helps you get rid of any pain in the back.

What is the Right Way to do it?

Any exercise, if not properly would not have any benefit. So, it is very important to do exercise regularly and correctly. Here are the steps to practice and master the basic glute bridge and get all the benefits you need:

STEP 1: Lie on your back and bending your knees with your feet being flat on the floor

STEP 2: Now place your feet hip–width with toes facing away from you

STEP 3: Slowly and gently contract your muscles of abdomen area making your lower back flat on the floor

STEP 4: Gradually exhale while holding your abdominal contraction and now try and press your hips upwards taking them off the floor into extension by simply contracting glutes (butt muscles)

STEP 5: To get the stability to hold this position, press your heels into the floor. Also, do not press your hips too high or you may risk yourself of getting injured

STEP 6: Now, slowly inhale and gradually lower yourself back in the starting position

While these are the basic and pretty straight forward steps, certain things are required to be kept in mind:

TIP 1: Try to maintain gentle muscles contraction throughout the workout

TIP 2: Try not to arch your back when raising your body. You can simply contract your abdominal muscle before lifting and try to hold it

What are the Different Variations in Glute Bridge?

Until now we have discussed and seen how to do a basic glute bridge which is for beginners. When one has mastered that, they can move towards more advanced and tougher variations of glute bridge. Some of them include:

  • Single-Leg Glute Bridge: While there are multiple variations of glute bridge that will not require gym equipment, single-leg is the most prominent one. Simple lift your one leg in the air thus increasing the difficulty since now you have to balance everything on one leg
  • Medicine Ball Glute Bridge: To perform this glute bridge, place your feet on a medicine ball, engage your core and extend your hips upward. Hold for a few seconds, and then slowly get back in the original position
  • Glute Bridge and Curl: To ramp up the basic one, take a towel and place your feet on it. Now slide them out and back slowly when in a bridged position. Keep the hips raised throughout the process
  • Glute Bridge March: A tougher variation, in this, once in the elevated posture, move one leg slowly up towards the chest in a high-knee marching motion. Repeat with the other leg
  • Hip Thrust: Once mastered all the other variations, you can include a barbell in your workout by positioning it at your midriff level with a squat pad or a towel between you and it. (Disclaimer: this is very difficult and requires a lot of strength. Do not practice it without expert advice)

What are the Benefits of Glute Bridge?

Now every exercise has some or the other benefit involved. With Glute Bridge, some of the benefits you get are:

  1. Get Rid of Back Pain: Performing glute bridge helps in stabilizing the core of the body therefore back, belly, hamstrings and even butt. Unlike other exercises, glute bridge does not put pressure on the low back thus making it best for back pain.
  2. Release the Knee Pain: Now one of the main reasons for knee pain is that one does not have sufficient control over the thigh bone. Since it involves moving thigh muscles forward and bending it inside or to the centre of the body, all these motions together help in getting rid of knee pain.
  3. Get a Firm and Round Butt: This exercise activates the whole gluteal muscle into the motion thus strengthens and makes your butt firm. A firmer butt is not only attractive but also helps in performing other activities and workouts.
  4. Improves Posture: People who spend most of their time sitting, weaken and shorten their muscles. By practising glute bridge every day, you can strengthen your gluteal muscle and hip muscles thus improving your posture.


While any exercise is beneficial and important, finding the ones that impact the exact body part you want is essential. Glute bridge helps in making your abdomen, back, hips, thighs, and other lower body parts. It is not at all tough and the fact that most of the variations of glute bridge can be done easily within the comfort of your home and with no professional training, makes it even more lucrative for people to include it in their workouts.

Free of cost and at your home, what else do you need? What is your next excuse?


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