
Burpees are one of the robust aerobic exercise used for strength training. Its a full body exercise and targeting that many muscle groups in a single exercise is possible while performing this workout.


Burpees are one robust aerobic exercise used for strength training, which is considered as one of the most challenging whole body exercises. People often find it very hard while doing this, but here’s a saying “No pains, No gains”. Standing true to it, this workout definitely boosts up your cardiovascular system and a little work to your lungs as well.

No exercise is easy. But if it’s easy, it’s not worth the try, is it? As said by Franklin D. Roosevelt “A smooth sea has never made a skilled sailor”, similarly “A simple exercise has never made six pack abs”. You have to sweat like anything to burn those fats.

History of Burpees

Ever wondered how bizarre the name “burpees” is? But, nonetheless, it is one of the greatest exercises​. This jumpy exercise got its name from a US Physiologist Royal H. Burpee, who invented​ this exercise as a part of a fitness test, for his PhD thesis from Columbia University.

How is a burpee performed?

Well performing a burpee is not a child’s play. Several burpees in a row is a wholesome tiring pack. But who cares when the after effects are so amazing. This exercise is definitely worth giving a shot.

To perform this exercise, you need to do –

i. Stand straight

The basic position for doing this exercise is standing straight.

ii. Jump in the air

The next step demands taking a leap in the air with hands raised first and then brought closer to the body while coming back to the standing position.

iii. Deep squats

Next comes the deep squats where you have to bend with hands resting on the floor and slightly forward.

iv. Push-ups​

Next is the push-up where you have to extend your lower limb with your hands resting on either side of your body. The elbow joint will be in flexion. At this moment your stomach won’t touch the ground. Now after this, you have to lie down completely on your stomach and within a second, you have to pull up again with no contact of abdomen with the ground. Your elbows will go slowly from flexion to full extension.

v. Take position zero

Now you have to take the position zero or standing in a reverse manner, doing all the steps again but reverse order.

How do burpees benefit you?

Burpees are tiring, we agree. But they help us a lot in  multiple ways. Let’s discuss how:

  • Cardiovascular system: Jumping in the air improves our cardiovascular system a lot. The fast and rhythmic​ movements are just so beneficial for our blood circulation.
  • Boosting up lungs’ capacity: The fast movements of Burpees help in increasing the lungs capacity. The way the person rhythmically breathes in and out during burpees, helps a lot in the proper ventilation process.
  • Core strengthening​: Burpees help you in building a stronger core.
  • Thigh and arm muscles strengthening: Burpees is a full body exercise which transforms your lower and upper body equally.
  • Weight management: Burpees are said to lose weight quicker as compared to other cardiovascular and HIIT exercises.
  • Fat burning process: Burpees are a great way to burn fat quickly and more effectively than other cardiovascular and HIIT exercises.
  • Helps in lowering blood pressure.
  • Helps in lowering blood cholesterol level.
  • Make your heart muscles stronger.
  • Helps in improving body shape.
  • Make your muscles stronger and leaner.

Where do burpees target?

Burpees is a full body exercise which targets major muscles of your body like:

Erector spinae

While standing upward and straight the erector spinae muscles are used to make your lumbar and thoracic areas of the spine straight.

Quadriceps muscles

Your bundle of four muscles, quads are targeted while performing the deep squat position.

Hamstring muscles

While extending your lower limb outwards and then flexing your knees backward again, your hamstring muscles are targeted which are located at the posterior side of the thighs.

Calf muscles (Gastrocnemius and Soleus)

While extending your knees outwards and performing plantar flexion, the calf muscles are targeted.

Biceps and Triceps

While doing push-ups, your arm muscles are targeted.

Rectus abdominis and Obliques

Your abdominal muscles are targeted while you pull together your lower limbs and also while pulling yourself upwards.

Can burpees be modified?

Hell, yes. Burpees can be modified and made easier or harder depending totally upon the person’s​ stamina.

How to make it tougher?

Use dumbbells

If you are well trained and perform burpees very easily then you can go for a tougher version by holding dumbbells in your hand. The weight selection of the dumbbells​ is purely a person’s discretion. All you have to do is hold dumbbells in your hand while raising your hands upwards. You need not to jump while holding dumbbells. Rest of the procedure is the same.

Sandbags or Pillows or Bolster

To perform a harder version of burpees, you can hold a sandbag or a large pillow or a bolster in your hands while raising your hands upwards. You need not to jump while performing this.

Squats + planks add-on

Burpees are all about full body exercises​, so you can add on a few exercises of your own, targeting the same muscles like you can add squats with deep squats or you can add planks before and after push-ups. You can even go with both the options together.

Raised platforms​ or Steps or Box

You can use a stable elevated platform to jump on while performing burpees. This platform can be anything, your step or a box but just make sure that it is able to withstand your weight and you don’t fall. Rest of the exercise is the same.

Combination of both raised platform and weight in hands

You can go for both the methods together, raised platform and weight in hands while performing burpees.

Things you need to take care of while performing burpees

  • Don’t bend your spine upwards or downwards​, just keep it straight.
  • While pulling your knees inwards together, make sure to avoid jerky movements to the knees.
  • Wear sports shoes.
  • Do this exercise on a mat, especially while placing your hands on the floor.
  • In case you are using a raised platform, make sure it is very stable, jump 2-3 times on it prior to doing burpees.
  • If you are using weight, make sure to avoid tweaks.

The Bottom Line

Burpees are a great full body workout and also require good care while doing this. A person can burn a good amount of calories along with burning of fat. The calories burnt totally depends upon the body measurements of the person.

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